TNS Industries Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) observes the following processing policies in order to protect the personal information, rights and interests of users, and to smoothly process any grievances of users related to personal information pursuant to the Personal Information Protection Act.
Purpose of Processing Personal Information
Convenient searching practical law information handles personal information for the following purposes. Collected personal information is not to be used other than following purposes, and proper measures will be taken in case of variation on the purpose of use pursuant to Article 18 of Personal Information Protection Act
Purpose: Collecting status of customized foreign language practical law information provision Operation grounds: Enforcement regulation of Ministry of Government Legislation
The Period for Retaining and Using Personal Information
Convenient searching practical law information retains and uses personal information within a designated period
Period: 2 years
Particulars of Personal Information to be Collected
Convenient searching practical law information collects following personal information Particulars of personal information: Name, Telephone, Email
Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party
Convenient searching practical law information handles personal information within the scope of provided purpose of collection and use, and do not use or provide personal information to a third party for other purposes than originally intended purpose, except for the following circumstances:
1. Where additional consent is obtained from the data subject
2. Where special provisions exist in other laws
3. Where it is deemed necessary explicitly for protecting, from impending danger, life, body or economic profits of the data subject or third party where the data subject or his/her legal representative is not in a position to express his/her intention, or prior consent cannot be obtained owing to unknown addresses
4. Where personal information is provided in a manner keeping a specific individual unidentifiable necessarily for such purposes as compiling statistics or academic research
5. Where it is impossible to perform the duties under its jurisdiction as provided for in any Act, unless the personal information controller uses personal information for other purpose than the intended one, or provides it to a third party, and it is subject to the deliberation and resolution by the Commission
6. Where it is necessary for providing personal information to a foreign government or international organization to perform a treaty or other international convention
7. Where it is necessary for the investigation of a crime, indictment and prosecution
8. Where it is necessary for the court to proceed the case
9. Where it is necessary for punishment, probation and custody
Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
Convenient searching practical law information undergoes paper-based formalities stating the followings when outsourcing personal information processing:
1. Prevention of personal information processing for other purposes than the outsourced purpose
2. Technical and managerial safeguards of personal information
3. Other matters prescribed by Presidential Decree to manage personal information safely
4. Purpose and scope of outsourced work, limitation on the re-outsourcing, personal information protection safe-guard, supervision including how the outsourcee processes such personal information safely by inspecting the status of processing, and liability for damages caused by breach of duty of outsourcer
Convenient searching practical law information outsources following personal information processing:
1. Website development and management
- Providing application program service
- Technical protection measures, etc.
- Outsourcing corporation: Beintech Inc.
2. Convenient searching practical law information website update, customized foreign language practical law information service
- Outsourcing corporation: Korea Law Information Service
Rights and Duties of Data Subject
Data subject is guaranteed to exercise following rights to Convenient searching practical law information:
1. Request for access to personal information
2. Request for correction of personal information
3. Request to erasure of personal information
4. Request to suspend personal Information processing
Data subject can exercise guaranteed rights through mail, phone call, email, fax, etc. Convenient searching practical law information will process requests from data subjects without delay
When data subject requests for correction of errors or erasure of personal information, corresponding law information is not to be provided until the request is completed
Data subject may authorize his/her representative or deputy to exercise rights. Delegation statement should be submitted in the form of Enforcement Regulation Annex 11 of Personal Information Protection Act
Data subject may not invade personal information and privacy of own or others in violation of related provisions including Personal Information Protection Act
Destruction of Personal Information
Convenient searching practical law information destroys personal information without delay when the personal information becomes unnecessary owing to the expiry of the retention period, attainment of the purpose of processing
In case of necessity to retain consented personal information owing to the relevant provisions in spite of expiry of the retention period or attainment of the purpose of processing, corresponding personal information (or personal information files) is stored separately or transferred to other databases
Destruction process and methods are following:
1. Destruction process
Convenient searching practical law information establishes destruction plan to destroy personal information (or personal information file). Convenient searching practical law information distinguishes cause for destruction of personal information (or personal information file), and destroys after obtaining consent of a personal information protection controller
2. Destruction methods
Convenient searching practical law information takes destruction measures (such as low level format) to block recovery and revival of personal information stored in the electronic format, and personal information on the paper-based documents are to be incinerated or shredded in a shredder
Safeguard of Personal Information
Personal information controllers are minimized only to the necessary number, and prepared with the safety protection education
Proper measures are taken to limit the access to personal information by granting, modifying and cancelling access to processing database system, and unauthorized access are prevented by using intrusion blocking system
Access records of the personal information processing system (Web-log, summary information, etc.) is stored and managed at least period of 6 months
1. Destruction process
- Personal data encryption is used to store and manage personal information.
Further safeguard measures including data encryption are taken to store and send critical personal data
- Information controllers conduct follow-up management to maintain the effectiveness of the certification of personal information protection
- Access to the personal information system is limited to authorized people.
Access to separate physical storage of personal information is also controlled by established regulations
Installation, Management and Refusal of Automatic Data Collection Program
Convenient searching practical law information handles user information by using ‘Cookie’ to provide customized service to users. ‘Cookie’ is a small portion of information sent to
browser by server(http) which is used to manage website, and stored to hard drive of user PC in some cases
1. Purpose of ‘Cookie’
- Cookie’ is used to analyze service and website visit history and using pattern of user, top search words and security access to provide optimized information
2. Refusal to install and management of ‘Cookie’
- Cookie history can be blocked by following procedure: Web browser upper Tool > Internet Option > Personal Information Menu Option Setting
3. Refusal to Cookie history might cause difficulty for using customized service
Methods for Claim Infringement of Rights
A data subject who suffers damage from infringement on personal information rights is entitled to claim to following methods:
Personal Information Infringement Report Center (Operated by KISA)
- Service: Report and counsel regarding personal information infringement
- Website:
- Telephone: 118
- Address: (138-950) 135, Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal Information Infringement Report Center
Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (Operated by KISA)
- Service: Personal information dispute mediation, Class dispute mediation(Civil remedy)
- Website:
- Telephone: 118
- Address: (138-950) 135, Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Korea Internet & Security Agency Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee
Supreme Prosecutors' Office
- Website:
- Telephone: 02-3480-3573
National Police Agency Cyber Terror Response Center
- Website:
- Telephone: 182
Personal information protection officer
- Name: Hyung Soo Kim
- Position: Planning and Coordination Officer
- Contact: 044-200-6782,, (fax)044-200-6957
Personal Information Protection Department
- Name: Ki Seung Lee
- Position: Legislative Information Officer
- Contact: 044-200-6762,, (fax)044-200-6957